Monday, 31 May 2010

Approaching the finish line..

OK perhaps a rather egotistical title for a blog page, but.. I like it :P

In light of recent revelations I am so close I can smell it. Yes, soon my second phase of further education will be complete, but; Stress, stress and more stress. A million things are going on at the minute, my head is all over the place: it is Exam revision time, my least favourite time of the year when every little thing seems a thousand times more interesting than usual. Make no mistake procrastination has set in; hence the setting up of this page.

To add to difficulties I have been burgled a new experience and one I would not like to experience again if it's all the same to you Mr Burgler (see how sexist I am assuming it was a man). Luckily I have taken mitigating measures and taking up insurance at the start of the year; I can already tell however, that reclaiming my items is going to be a long, drawn out process. I do complain but it really could have been a lot worse. Whereas my PS3, Stereo System, Watch and Aftershaves being stolen is indeed an unpleasant experience, I was more concerned about their grubby little hands touching my personal, sentimental stuff which they went through, I assume for money or some sort of auto-erotic asphyxiation tool if they were Tory Burglers. Anyway's my photos and other sentimental items appear untouched. More annoying was how they ignored every other room in the house and made a beeline for mine.

It is 3.29am and I have not revised for a day, my mind has been elsewhere. I know when I am most happy and what makes me most happy has been absent for a while now; perhaps I am a strange boy, but whereas many of my sex would be content with what I am lucky enough to have become accustomed to over the last year, I am used to more and want it again. I seem to have sacrificed it for my academic progress this year, it has introduced itself in a few forms recently, but I have a certain form in my memory that I can't help but look back on with rose tinted glasses and try and recreate in a contemporary rejuvenated form. I seem to forget that it didn't arise easily last time, but when it did there was nothing comparable to it. Perhaps it will come to the for once again in the summer and a true smile will once again rise on my face. I have an absolutely kickass time at festivals, family meals, footy, the fair, party's etc but there is often a noticeable absentee.

I love my family and have some of the best friends in the world, but there is something to be said about the other person who completes you.